Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Cookies rule

Me: if( Cookies cookies = me.make( COOKIES ) ){ me.share( cookies );

She: if (you.make(cookies) & you.share(cookies))

How cute is that?

Monday, June 16, 2008

Brain ouchies

As it turns out, I don't have nearly the tolerance for booze that I used to have when I was in my golden years of early to mid 20's. Back in the day I could pound shots, have a couple of beers and smoke a bowl or two, all *before* hitting the bars for a night of drunken debauchery that would inevitably ended with your typical "morning after walk 'o shame." Anyone who's ever attended any kind of higher education knows of what I speak.

At any rate, this weekend I decided to test my tolerance for ye ol fire water. My brand of choice, Jack Daniels. My first drink to start my trip down my own hell was a full can of rock star and *a lot* of JD. Before I knew it, I was *way* to drunk for my own good, I vaguely remember playing an instance of something and dying a lot, but still somehow ending up at the top of the dps chart.

Needless to say, the next day was filled with me walking around the house moaning and complaining about how stupid I am. My wife, the angle that she is, simply laughed at me and reminded me of my silliness.

I am totally going to refer to this blog posting the next time I get the crazy, stupid idea of drinking any of the evil, brain ouchy booze.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The rip

Reverse training, also known as slow sets, is the process of slowing the weight down rather then doing the classical repetition. This means that instead of doing a normal preacher curl by bringing the weight from rest to your chest your partner will assist you to the chest position, then you resit downward for a full 5 count. 5 reps per set, 5 sets.

Do one of these for each major upper body muscle groups and you'll be rewarded with 3 days of utter pain. The juice is worth the squeeze. ;)

Weight loss milestone

25 lbs @ 7% BMI in 18 months.

I started this journey at the beginning of 2007 when I was roughly 275 pounds at 34% BMI. Kira and I decided to enter a fitness competition hosted by our gym. I didn't win, and I never did find out where I placed, but this was the catalyst that I needed to get my fat ass moving.

Now it's 18 months later and the results are really starting to show. I can't describe how good this feels!