Thursday, March 11, 2010

RR: Tanking effectiveness

Tanking Effectiveness is basically a comparison between damage input on the tanks, and healing output on the tanks from the healers.

There are 20 ticks on the page that represent the 20 samples taken from this encounter. The white dots on the top show the total amount of healing done to the tanks by the dedicated healers. The red dots on the bottom show the amount of damage taken by the tanks from all sources.

There are 3 things missing from this graph that I am working on now:
* Connecting the white dots together.
* Connecting the red dots together.
* Build the difference line.

The difference line shows the difference between the healing output and the tanking input. The thinking here is that you would use the difference line to get a sense of how effective your healers and tanks are. If the line is above the center line, then the output is being mitigated by the healer output ( which is good ), if it's below the line, then the damage input isn't being mitigated by the healing output ( bad ).

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