Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Command line JSON diff

Very simple way of comparing one json chunk with another.

Moved script here


krogebry@krogebry-desktop:~/kson$ ./json_diff.rb file_left.json file_right.json
Left: gentoo :: Right: gentoo
Left: localhost :: Right: localhost
Left: RHEL4 :: Right: RHEL5 !! Found diffrence here!!
Left: localhost :: Right: localhost

Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Oscar party

I had a great time getting ready for the party, and hosting it. I was a little frustrated with my wife for not being able to plant her butt in one place and missing some of the show.

I was really frustrated with the dogs. Once again we spent way too much time redirecting their attention away from the new people in the house. I wanted to kick them both out and not deal with it, but the only way to fix this problem is to get them exposed to people on a regular basis. Every time Kira has to yell one of their names to get them from sticking their face in someone's lap I cringe and my stress level goes up. Ahh well, what can you do, they are still puppies after all.

Aside from that minor little detail with the dogs I had a great time getting all dressed up in my fancy clothes.

From OscarParty

Friday, February 20, 2009

The weak hash

Some peoples kids, you know? I found this little gem on some site somewhere. The data and names have been changed to protect the innocent.

There are two parts to the form, the select drop down, as such:
<option value='Bobm|12345|ABCDEFGH'>Bobm

And the input field. The user selects the user from the drop down list, then types in their password and clicks the submit button. The form doesn't actually do anything as far as posting the data to a real, big boy kind of server script, instead it does some truly horrific things:

for (i=0;i<3;i++) {

function makehash(pw,mult) {
for (i=0;i<8;i++) {
So the scripts creates a hash value based on user input. If the hash doesn't equal the value params[1] ( 12345 in this case ), then the password is wrong. However, if the hash does equal 12345, you get this:
h2=makehash(form.pass.value,10)+" ";
var page="";
for (var i=0;i<8;i++) {
if (a<0) a+=26;
page+=alpha.substring(a,a+1); };

So, if the password is "correct" then your redirected to a new page based on a bigger hash, and some other stuff. Being the person that I am I wanted to see how hard this kind of thing would be to crack. There is more to this, but here is the short version, minus the comments and db stuff:

@chars = []
"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZABCDEFGHI".each_char do |c| @chars << c end
Key = 35892
PageKey = "MOMGFDPN"
Multiplier_Small = 3
Multiplier_Big = 10
def mkHash( str,multiplier )
hash = 0;
str.each_char do |letter|
hash = hash*multiplier + @chars.index(letter)+1
return hash;

def mkPage( str_key )
bigHash = mkHash( str_key,Multiplier_Big )
page = ""
8.times do |i|
a = ( @chars.index( PageKey[i,1] ).to_i() ) - ( (bigHash.to_s()[i,1]).to_i()*1 )
a += 26 if( a < 0 )
page << @chars[a]
return page.downcase()

NumBruteIterations = 100
NumThreads = 30
NumBruteRuns = 10000
NumBruteIterations.times do |i|
threads = []
NumThreads.times do
threads << do
NumBruteRuns.times do |t|
str = ""
8.times do |i| str << @chars[rand(@chars.length)] end
if(mkHash( str,Multiplier_Small ) == Key)
if(!hashIsStored?( str ))
PtrStoreString.execute( str,mkPage(str) )
threads.each() do |t| t.join() end

With this I can generate around 20k keys per second. I store the strings that 'work', or hash out to 12345 in the db, along with the page value generated. At the time of this writing there are 24989 unique keys. The next obvious step would be to write another script that would hit the site checking for the generate page, if the server returns 404, then the page isn't the right page, however, if it returns 200, bing!

The kicker about this is that the user is storing both the hash algorithm, and the key in the same space both viewable by the user. This makes it possible to port the process back to a local resource and crack it on my own time without the user ever knowing what's going on. It's like...well... it's the dumbest fucking thing I've ever seen anyone do. The nut buster is that the user is running his site on an apache server. Five minutes and a .htaccess file would fix the problem.

Office web cam hijinks fun

Took some awesome snaps today on the web cam. That's Daniel posing for us all, and I think I'm talking to Jason.

The new loft.

We moved into the new office this week. It's still just as cold as the old office, but it has the "Seattle Hacker Loft" kinda vibe to it.

So far I like it, but it could use a new heater, and some garbage pickup.

The gym will probably be done next week, which be nice. Anything to avoid getting up a the arse crack of dawn for an hour with Tony Horton is a plus for me. ;)

Friday, January 30, 2009


Kira and I are coming up on the end of the 2nd week of p90x.

Rating: 10 being highest, most painful/extreme, 1 being nothing, nada, not feeling it.
* Muscle fatigue: 4
* General fatigue: 7
* Drive: 5
* Overall X factor: 6
* Diet: 5 ( need more shakes, less crap )

Overall I'm a bit more tired this weekend then last. I haven't been pushing the work outs as hard as I know I can. I need to do more to remove distractions and focus more, and get my food right. It's been a busy week, but I'm hopping to finish stong, correct my mistakes, and kill it on week 3.